


目标肌肉:小腿 运动类型:力量 所用器械:徒手/自体重
力学:孤立 发力类型: 经验水平:初学者




    Set up for the one leg donkey calf raise by setting a calf raise block or step in front of something stable to hang on to.

    Stand on the block with the balls of your feet on the edge.

    Hook your right ankle around the back of your left ankle.

    Bend over and hold onto something stable such as an incline bench. For added weight you can have someone sitting on your back.

    Slowly let your heel drop as far as possible. This is the starting position for the movement.

    Raise your heel slowly until you're pushing itas high as possible.

    Pause and squeeze the calf muscle, and then slowly lower back to the starting position.

    Repeat for desired reps, and then repeat for your right leg.

Exercise Tips:

    Ideally, donkey calf raises are performed with someone sitting on your buttocks/lower back. You may find your own body weight is not very challenging.

    Keep the rep timing slow and control the weight.

    Keep the ball of your foot on the edge of the block.Allowing it to come forward makes the exercise easier!