


目标肌肉:背阔肌 运动类型:力量 所用器械:杠铃
力学:复合 发力类型: 经验水平:中级水平
相关部位:肱二头肌, 背阔肌, 竖脊肌, 斜方肌




    The one arm bentover row is a variation of the close grip bent over row and can be used for bringing up lagging sides of the body. Set up for the exercise by getting an Olympic bar and setting one end in a secure location where it cannot move, like the corner of the room or up against a wall.

    On the opposite end of the Olympic bar, add your desired weight plate(s).

    Facing the weighed end of the bar, position yourself with one leg each side of the bar with your feet at around shoulder width apart.

    Bend your knees slightly and place your left hand on your left knee.

    With your right hand grip the bar close to the weight plates.

    Keeping your back straight, raise the bar slightly off the floor. This is the starting position for the exercise.

    Pull the bar straight up with your right arm as far as possible, squeezing your shoulder blade in at the top of the movement.

    Pauseand slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

    Repeat for desired reps, and then repeat for the opposite side of the body.

Exercise Tips:

    As with all bent over back exercises, you must keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise.Keeping your head up and eyes looking forwards will help you achieve this. Do not look down. Looking down tends to arch the back.