


目标肌肉:小腿 运动类型:力量 所用器械:器械
力学:孤立 发力类型: 经验水平:初学者




    Set up for the toes out seated calf raise by loading up the machine with the weight you want to use.

    Sit on the machine with the padding on top of your thighs and the balls of your feet on the edge of the foot pad.

    Twist your ankles so that your toes are pointing in, away from each other.

    Push up with your calves to take the weight off rack.

    Release the safetyand slowly let your heels drop as far as possible. This is the starting position for the exercise.

    Slowly raise your heels up a high as possible.

    Pause and squeeze the calf muscles, and then slowly lower your heals back down as far as possible.

    Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

    When pointing your toes out, the goal is to place more emphasis on the inner side of your calves. This theory is still debated amongst lifters.

    Always use the maximum range of motion by letting the heels drop as far as possible and pushing your heels up as high as possible.

    To add intensity pause and hold for a count of 2-3 at the top of the movement (heels up).