


目标肌肉:背阔肌 运动类型:力量 所用器械:杠铃
力学:复合 发力类型: 经验水平:中级水平
相关部位:肱二头肌, 背阔肌




    Set up an incline bench at around a 30 degree angle. You can also use a propped up flat bench. Grab a barbell and place it at the end of the incline bench.

    Lay down on the bench in a prone (facing down) position with your legs at the lower end of the bench. If it's more comfortable, you can put your feet on the floor. This also adds stability.

    Grip the barbell with a wide overhand grip.

    Keeping your head up, eyes looking forward, slowly raise the bar up towards your chest.

    Raise the bar as far as possible, pause, andthen slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.

    Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

    Keep your elbows in.

    Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold at the top of the movement to get the maximum results from this exercise.